Lubbock, Texas

Real Estate Agency

  • 10+ Years of Experience
  • $50 Million In Real Estate Transactions

Lubbock, Texas Real Estate Agency

10+ Years of Experience

$50 Million In Real Estate Transactions


We work with everyone from seasoned investors to first-time homebuyers. 

Find Your Dream Home
Discover your ideal sanctuary where dreams meet reality with our expert guidance in finding your dream home.
Sell Your Home or Property

Let us navigate the intricate process of selling your home or property, ensuring a seamless experience from listing to closing.

First Time Homebuyers
Embark on the journey of homeownership with confidence, as we help first-time buyers through every step of the process, making your dream home a reality.
For Investors
Elevate your investment portfolio with our tailored approach, leveraging market insights and strategic guidance to help investors uncover lucrative opportunities in real estate.


I’m Jessica. A Lubbock, Texas Area Realtor with 10+ Years of Experience and $50 million in real estate transactions. 

Having facilitated over 300 successful real estate transactions and over $50 million in real estate volume, Jessica has honed her skills to cater to a diverse clientele, ranging from seasoned real estate investors to eager first-time homebuyers.

Jessica’s journey in the real estate industry has been multifaceted. Prior to specializing as a realtor, she served as a Mortgage Lender, providing her with invaluable insights into the intricacies of mortgage lending. With lending being a major piece of the transaction, Jessica’s background serves as a significant competitive advantage when it comes time  for the negotiation of your real estate transaction.

This comprehensive understanding allows her to guide her clients seamlessly through the financing process, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction from start to finish.

Known for her proactive approach and commitment to client satisfaction, Jessica prides herself on her ability to navigate the complexities of the real estate market with finesse, care and a deep concern for the well-being of her clients. Whether you’re seeking to sell your property swiftly or searching for your dream home, Jessica’s dedication, experience, and personalized service make her the ideal partner for all your real estate needs.

When you choose Jessica Reynolds as your real estate agent, you’re not just gaining a trusted advisor—you’re gaining a partner who is determined to exceed your expectations and deliver results.

When Jessica isn’t helping buyers and sellers she enjoys time with her Husband, Ryan and their seven kids.